Monday, December 11, 2006

Sibley Challenge Results

Alumni in Quarters:
Edina SH (Sadagopal/Huppert)
Edina MM (Milne/Moor)

Alumni in Semi-finals:
Eagan MP (Mozvick/Panneck)
Edina CG (Chin/Gschneidner)

Alumni Champions:
Rosemount LL (Luppes/Lind)

Friday, December 8, 2006

CDI Alumni Qualify to Nationals

Mia Bonitto and Michelle Stanley from Moorhead Minnesota are the First Team from Minnesota to Qualify to Nationals. Mia was a 2004-6 attendee of CDI and Michelle Stanley was a 2005-6 attendee. They defeated their teammates Joe Skaggs Jr. (CDI 2005 and 6) and Cassie Beedy to qualify to Nationals.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Cooper Results

2005 and 2006 CDI Alumnus from Edina get 1st and 2nd Seed at Cooper and Numerous Speaker Awards... 2006 Alumus Madeline Christensen takes 2nd seed at Cooper behind her teammates (2005 Alumni) Brian Tangren and Rohan Sagadopol.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Hopkins Speaker Awards

Concordia Alumni take Five of Top Ten Speaker Awards at Hopkins Royal Cup.

4. Jenna Troup (Wayzata TS)
5. Ruby Langworthy (HP LL)
6. Ava Ferenci (Wayzata NF)
7. Brett Lind (Rosemount LL)
8. Joe Skaggs II (Moorhead ST)
10. Nick Groenke (BJ GS)