Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Almost Tourny Time!

The day before the tournament has arrived and the students are working hard to get ready to debate. In the morning, the students heard a few last lectures including diversity in debate. In the afternoon, the students are finishing writing their last few blocks and getting in more drills in an effort to be the champion at the Children of the Cob Tournament that will take place Wednesday through Saturday. Each team will get to debate 7 prelim rounds and then there will be break rounds to follow.

Tonight, the students will listen to a demonstration debate. This round will feature Eric Short and Meggie Mapes on the affirmative and Kristi Cronin and Dan Faltesek on the negative. It will be good for the students to see how much progress they have made with their flowing from the first demonstration round to the second.

The students will hopefully get to bed early tonight and be rested for the tournament. It has been a great two and a half weeks, and the last half week is sure to bring more fun!

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